Train with Nate is an exercise and nutrition service. It is an evidence-based practice run by Nathaniel Boulding that relies on coach expertise, client feedback, and science to drive its protocol. This is a client-specific protocol with a comprehensive set of principles designed to make the unique individual successful. This process is for individuals from all levels, from actively competitive athletes to those just trying to get ahold of their health, and everyone in between. The services are designed to not only improve an individual's overall fitness, and quality of training but also their life. Nate wants you to look, feel, and perform your best!

This service operates on a whole-person approach. This includes three core principles: The Mind, Body, and Environment. These three core principles flow together and are key to the success of all health and fitness goals. Whether your goal is to lose weight, put on muscle, increase cardiovascular performance, or gain strength. The optimal approach looks at the whole person.

Check out our social media if you would like free exercise and nutrition content and to get to know more about Nate and his philosophies.

Meet Nate


What our clients are saying

Working with Coach Nate over the last year has been amazing. He’s a coach that genuinely cares about your goals as much as you do. The investments he makes to his clients showcases his passion for what he does. With his knowledge and expertise we have transformed my body composition, strength and lifting technique. He took my goals, laid out a plan, and through hard work and consistency he lead me through my first two powerlifting meets. Where I won the overall best female lifter at both. Breaking multiple provincial records for Alberta. Coach Nate has changed the game for me.
— Kyla Becher
In October 2020 I was introduced to Nate for my dietary guidance needs. During this time I felt conflicted on how to approach losing weight, while still managing my emotional health as well. I had tried other diets, such as Atkins and Keto, in the past. I wanted something I could utilize long term. With working with Nate I found long term weight loss and sustainability. They offered me a new perspective on the food I was eating, and gave me the tools to maintain long term success. It’s truly changed the way I view my nutrition needs.
— Malissa Rivard
Working with Nate was awesome. Every workout is organized for you on an app, and each exercise has a demo video for you. On top of that, he is always available to answer any questions, no matter how busy he is. He is one of the most knowledgeable guys I know, in both fitness and nutrition, and I learned a lot from him. I would highly recommend his services. Nates coaching is a must try service.
— Steve Seriani

“Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.”

– John Maxwell